Thursday, April 1, 2010


Today sees the beginning of a fortnight of holidays! I have so many things that I would like to do that I think I will be returning to work before I know it. One of the main things I want to get done is to finish the quilt top I have started. The idea came from the book Material Obsession and is just a basic patchwork. It's only a small lap quilt but it still took me forever to get the squares in layout that I was happy with. I'm about half way through sewing them together and will then have to decide on some borders!

Some of my favourite fabrics in the quilt.....

Sunday, March 28, 2010

It Has Begun

Finally it has begun. My foray into the blogging world!

For some time I have been reading other lovely blogs and thinking about creating my own and now is the time. So welcome to what I am intending to be something of a record of my life and family, my interests, and a place to share my thoughts and ideas. I am looking forward to this year (even though I realise we are 3 months into it already!) - gardening, crafting, cooking - hopefully having a lot more time than last year to enjoy life with my wonderful husband! I hope my blog will be interesting for other's out there and I would love to hear any comments and ideas you all have.

Happy reading!